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All flow owners will have the ability to share a flow and to set who can respond and who can view that flow.
To share a flow, you can click “Share” from the header in the flow feed on the right side.
Participants are the only people who can respond to a flow. Participants are determined by criteria selected in the builder during this step.
You can combine criteria within the same group or between different groups. If adding criteria within the same group, you can select whether the participants need to match all of the criteria or any of the criteria.
When combining criteria within the same group, selecting participant matches any means anyone who matches any of the selected criteria will be included as a participant.
For example, selecting Department is Product and Department is Engineering with participant matches any selected will include any member whose department is product or engineering.
When combining criteria within the same group, selecting participant matches all means the participants must match all of the criteria within the same group.
For example, selecting Department is Product and Name is not Katya Bachrouche with participant matches all will include everyone in the Product except for Katya Bachrouche.
When combining criteria between groups, selecting or participant matches means anyone who matches the criteria in one group OR the criteria in the second group will be included as a participant.
When combining criteria between groups, selecting and participant matches means anyone who matches the criteria in one group AND the criteria in the second group will be included as a participant.
Viewers are the only people who can see the responses to a flow. Whoever is included as a viewer can see all the flow posts in the main feed, flow feed, and profile feed.
Selecting entire organization will allow anyone who joins or leaves your Assembly to see all of your flow’s responses.
Selecting participants only allows only the flow’s participants to see all of your flow’s responses. If a participant is added or removed from the flow, they will gain or lose access to viewing all posts in the feed besides their own. Remember, flow owners will always have visibility, even if they are not a participant when this option is selected.
Selecting owner only for visibility will only allow flow owners to view all of your flow’s responses. Remember, participants will always be able to see their own responses even if visibility is configured to be only the flow owner.
Selecting custom for visibility will allow you to select specific viewers for your flow. Please see the participant criteria section above for more information about selecting customer visibility. Remember, flow owners will always be able to see all responses and participants will always be able to view their own responses.