Employee Engagement

What Are the 6 C's of Employee Engagement?

Understanding the 6 C's of employee engagement is necessary for fostering a productive and motivated workforce. These principles encapsulate key factors that contribute to high levels of engagement and satisfaction among employees. By focusing on these aspects, organizations can create environments where employees feel valued, motivated, and committed. The 6 C's serve as a framework for effective management and HR practices, ensuring that teams thrive and contribute optimally to organizational success. 

The 6 C's of employee engagement are:

  1. Connection: Employees need to feel connected to the organization, its goals, and their colleagues.
  2. Commitment: Employees should be committed to their work and feel invested in the organization's success.
  3. Culture: A positive organizational culture that supports and values employees enhances engagement.
  4. Communication: Open, transparent communication fosters trust and engagement among employees.
  5. Career: Opportunities for growth and development contribute to employee engagement.
  6. Compensation: Fair and competitive compensation is important in recognizing and rewarding employees' contributions.
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