Icebreaker Template

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Why use this Flow?

Onboarding new hires and integrating them into the culture works best when you take the time to foster a deep understanding of the new hire, and use those learnings to guide your development of the onboarding experience. Creating moments of delight for new hires, learning about who they are as a person (in and out of work), and setting them up with the right info and introductions for their role are all outcomes of empathy development – and an amazing employee onboarding experience.

Our Icebreaker Flow allows you to:  

  • Design a quiz about any topic and personalize it for the specific occasion 
  • Engage employees in a fun and creative way while growing participation 
  • Gather interesting feedback or perspectives from the workforce 
  • Set different types of questions to keep things fun and interesting

Need ideas for questions? Check out our list of hundreds of icebreaker questions.

Make employee onboarding engaging through creative icebreakers that help existing employees learn new things about new hires. Try out the Icebreaker template today and get access to over 40+ other templates that focus on making your company culture engaging and interesting.

If you’re ready to up your onboarding game, sign up today, customize your Icebreaker, create the questions/prompts you want, and personalize it to make it truly yours with the flexibility of the Icebreaker Flow template. Check it out now.

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